9 Mouse Trap Mistakes You Can Avoid

  • 2024-01-16

If you’ve already bought some mouse traps, but still you haven’t had a single catch. Could it be the products? Could it be the bait? You might ask yourself, “What on Earth am I doing wrong?”

we’ve learned some of the most common mistakes that people make when setting mouse traps, and our experts are here to show you how you can avoid them.

Following this simple guide will ensure that your mouse traps will be more successful and help you in finally getting rid of your mouse infestation. So without further ado, here are the 9 most common mistakes you’ll make when setting your mouse traps, and how you can avoid them.

Too Much Bait

Solution: Use only a small portion to force them to come in contact with the trap

One of the most common mistakes anyone can make when setting mouse traps is using too much bait. Maybe you put a very big helping of Peanut Butter or Chocolate on a trap and have had no luck in catching mice.

Believe it or not, using too much bait, will let mice be able to get access to the food without triggering the mouse trap. Finding the perfect amount of bait, not too big not to small, usually a pea-sized amount, is the recommended dose from experts.

Using the Wrong Bait

Solution: Don’t use cheese, use peanut butter instead

For years, the cliche when it came to baiting mouse traps was to place a piece of cheese on or near a trap to try and lure mice. The truth is, cheese might not be a good idea to use alongside your mouse trap. You’re better off using foods that are high in carbohydrates, like Chocolate, or grain and seed-based foods, like Peanut Butter.

Another great rule of thumb is to also use different kinds of bait with your traps, a helpful selection of foods (peanut butter, chocolate, meat)  is sure to entice any mice.

For Overwintering mice, that have come inside your home in the cold months, to lure them you need a different tactic. As most pests, mice during the winter are less active, however, that does not mean they won’t scavenge through your home for supplies for their nests. This is where you have a golden opportunity to catch them.

Not Diversifying Traps

Solution: Don’t rely just on snap traps, use glue traps and poison baits as well

The golden rule when it comes to pest control is relying on different methods and products to achieve results. This is one of the most common mistakes people can make. By not using different kinds of traps, and relying just on snap traps, you’re limiting the results you can achieve.

Plus snap traps although efficient, are not as effective when dealing with a severe infestation, because they are limited to only catching one mouse at a time. If you want to create lasting results especially when dealing with a severe infestation using glue traps, snap traps, poison baits, and repellents might be the way to go.

Traps Spaced Too Far Apart

Solution: You should set a trap every 2 to 3 feet when dealing with a severe mice infestation

You set your traps but have found no success so far. Something to consider is that you didn’t place enough traps. Professionals state that a good strategy when baiting is placing mouse traps every 2 to 3 feet apart along the walls where mice activity has been noticed.

In fact, where a large number of mice have been sighted, traps are usually placed one inch apart from each other. A good rule of thumb to consider is using at least six types of traps for every one mouse, so remember to plan accordingly when baiting.

You Ruined The Bait

Solution: Did you touch the Bait Without Gloves? Mice can tell and will avoid it. Make sure you have on gloves.

One of the most common mistakes anyone can make when placing baits is using their hands. When it comes to setting snap traps, or tamper-resistant mouse stations, their effectiveness goes out the window if you touch the baits without gloves.

Mice and their incredible sense of smell can tell if the bait is a trap if they can smell your scent on the bait or on the trap. Remember to use gloves when handling the trap, resetting the trap, and to dispose of the mice, as your scent can alert the rest of the mice that something is up.

Wrong Placement

Solution: Put the traps close to the wall, and avoid open spaces.

This might seem like an obvious mistake you can avoid, but some people still make it.  Placing the traps in open spaces will not yield results.  You have to remember that mice are more prone to traveling alongside walls than venturing into an open space.

So remember to keep that in mind when placing your traps.  Put them close to the walls where they usually travel.

Wrong Angle

Solution: The angle at which you put your Traps can affect the outcome

Another common mistake someone might make is putting the traps in the wrong angle. If you’re using a bait station, remember to put the opening of the station close to the wall, and if you’re using a snap trap, place the trap perpendicular to the wall, with your chosen bait facing the wall.

Angles might seem like a small detail, but in some cases it could make a world of difference.

Not Enough Traps

Solutions: Go all out the very first night with all your mouse traps

Another mistake people might make when setting mouse traps, is not placing enough traps in their first night of baiting, or not starting big enough and going all out, and instead opt to pace themselves with their resources.

The way to go is to start off strong from the very first night, with different kinds of traps (glue traps, snap traps, etc.), with different types of baits (peanut butter, chocolate, poison baits) and with numerous traps in different rooms.

Mice are incredibly intelligent and will know if one of their relatives does not come back to the nest. After they know something is up, they will be more hesitant to try the bait in the mouse traps and will scavenge more sparingly.

So remember to always have a big opening night.

No Patience

Solution: Sometimes all it takes is patience and a little time.

Patience, we could all use a little more patience in our lives. And when it comes to setting mouse traps, patience, and a little time, are super important for success. As mentioned above mice are highly intelligent creatures, they adapt, they learn, they noticed when something has been changed in their environment, and they’re even able to smell your presence in the newly placed bait.

Practicing good hygiene and limiting the food supplies found in your home, will slowly push them to risk it all for a taste of your bait. And all it takes is a little patience.

Key Takeaways

If you are not getting satisfying results with your mouse trap placement, factors like placement, not using the right bait and not using gloves may be the reason mice aren't being caught.

Utilize more than one type of trap (such as a glue trap, snap trap and humane live trap) to improve your chances of catching mice.

Most of all, be patient with the process as it can take time for the trap to do its job in catching a mouse.